How Do You Stop A Longboard? Tips

Like skateboarding, longboarding is also a sport. Typically, the longboards use longboards and big wheels. Longboarding is a sport and has a lot of fun. And is very easier for beginners as compared to skateboarding. If you have a longboard and then you can start practicing longboarding in your free time. You can make your free time more enjoyable by riding on the longboarding. But before going to stair the practice on the longboard, you must know how do you stop a longboard for your safety. Safety is the first.

Safety of life comes first in every field of life. That’s why you must keep in mind all the safety precautions about longboarding. The main topic of this article is how do you stop a longboard.

To avoid yourself from crashing and being hurt, it is very to know how do you stop a longboard? If you aren’t able to stop the longboard, then you can face any type of accident or cash. And being hurt yourself. So stopping the longboard is also included in the safety & precautions of the longboard.

There are many ways by which a rider can stop the longboard when riding at a particular speed. And the applicability of all these methods depends on the experience of the rider. Everyone cannot apply all these methods without ensuring the capacity to execute them. All these methods vary from simple to difficult, basic to advance. But you must know how you stop a longboard by using one of these methods.

Now we will explain all these methods one by one. So read this article with full focus.

How do you stop a longboard
How do you stop a longboard

What is a longboard?

Like other sporting equipment, the longboard is also a piece of sporting equipment. The longboard is similar to a skateboard but it is much longer than the skateboard. This means all the longboards are skateboards but they are longer than the regular skateboards. The main difference between the longboard and the skateboard is the length. The longboards have big boards as compared to the skateboards.

Steps to stop a longboard:

[How do you stop a longboard]

You often see the people in the streets flying on the longboards. When the skater rides on the longboard at a very high speed, then stopping the longboard can be a very challenging task. So that’s why we are coming up with these steps and we will briefly explain these.

Foot braking:

The most important thing that you must know is when you need to foot braking. You should be very careful when you need to apply the foot braking technique. The foot braking technique should be applied when you are at a low speed. If you are at a very high speed then you should not apply this technique. This technique is only applicable at low speed. Moreover. If you are curving a turn then you should not apply this technique to reduce the speed of your longboard.

And also use proper footwear when you apply the footbrake. You should not apply the foot barking technique with thin sole shoes. Footbridge means sliding the shoes on the ground. Do not apply this to ruin your shoes and have friction burn.

To apply the foot braking technique first adjust your sitting position and bend your front knee. And also shift your weight towards the front foot. It doesn’t matter which foot you will use to apply this technique. And also make sure that you are using large sole shoes. And now use your minimal weight to drag your foot on the ground. Typically, this technique causes some friction burn. Also, add some pressure when you are dragging your footwear until you stop.

Shift your weight from front to back when you dragging your footwear. Also, note that the higher pressure means you will stop faster. And also be careful on the ground where you are skating. The friction is determined by the ground on which you are traveling.

Foot braking at moderate speed:

By using this technique, you will not hurt your shoes and foot. But make sure that the shoes you are using should have a big sole. However, it might cause some friction. When you are dragging your foot on the ground to stop the longboard, you should be very careful about the ground on which you skate. And also be cautious about how much pressure you should apply on the foot. By using this technique you will be able to stop the longboard at a moderate speed.

Air braking technique at higher speed:

In the air braking technique, the air pressure is used to slow down you. In this technique, you will push down the tail of the longboard. When you are moving at a very high speed on a flat surface, you can use the air braking technique to reduce the speed of the longboard.

To increase the air resistance you should extend your hands. Also be careful, when turning or air braking so you don’t crash into something. Before riding on the roads at moderate or high speed, you should do foot practice. It will help you to get the confidence to do it. We will also advise you to wear the knees pads, elbow pads, a helmet, and slid glows. When you are attempting foot braking technique.

Power slides:

   Power sliding is also a technique by which you can stop your longboard. You can use This technique by carving your foot or turning to one side of the road. The most effective part of the power sliding is the turning. You will be stopping by sliding or skidding in this technique. The direction of the curving depends on how you station yourself on the longboard. In this technique, you should carve on the side, to which your toe side is pointing.

The people who want to learn power sliding, this is a very basic technique for those. It is also important for you to observe the traffic from both ahead and behind you. If you will be very careful and fully observe the traffic on the road, it will reduce the chances of accidents with cars or something. Before applying this trick to stop the longboard on the road, you are fully mastered it.

To apply this trick, shift your weight towards the heel and front of the board. This should only happen after you have carved out and set your power slide.

This is how you lean back than forth and determine the slide of the board by your body weight. You can stop the longboard by leaning forward when you are at a very high speed.

And turn your hips and shoulders in your sliding direction. Moreover, it is very important to keep leaning on your back when you are sliding. During high speed, you can stop your longboard by leaning your left or right foot forward. But It can be risky and cause some injuries.

Stopping the longboard by advance techniques:

There are some more advanced techniques that you can use to stop your longboard. But before applying these techniques you should do a lot of practice for it and also have patience. More and more practice makes your longboarding faster and more enjoyable. So before using these tricks you should do a lot of practice.

Now take look at these tricks.

Nose to tail Power slides:

Perform nose-to-tail power slides to stop the longboard. In this technique, you can stop the longboard by leaning your body weight on the tail of the board and then sliding it towards the toe side or front of the longboard. When you need to apply this technique, you should also have some space between your feet.

Sometimes, you might need to drag your back foot on the ground for additional drag. Do the back wheel skid when you have stopped the sliding. This is an effortless and effective way to stop sliding and it doesn’t require too much weight or effort on the longboard.

This method also prevents the wearing off of wheels which happens when you keep dragging the back wheel of the board during the sliding. The back wheel skids are also good for self-accelerating to backslide.

Heel slide pendulum:

The heel sliding pendulum technique way to stop the longboard when you are at high speed. In this method, you should try to keep most of your body weight centered on the board. In this method, all of your body weight should be evenly distributed from the back to the front. And then carve outwards on the side of the road. To completely stop the longboard, place your gloved hand on the ground and apply more pressure.

And finally, you can able to stop the longboard by using this technique.

Toe-side pendulum:

The toe side pendulum is also an advanced technique to stop the longboard. To stop the longboard by using this technique, slide your gloved hand on the ground. This technique is also called Coleman slide or going lower to the ground. When you want to stop your longboard by using this technique, you must wear the glove on the hand by which you will slide and then perform the power slide. And to reduce the speed by kicking off the slide with the back foot.

Moreover, in this technique avoid keeping your gloved hand too close or far away from your body. If you do not avoid keeping your gloved hand too close or far away from your body then you will not able to perform the pendulum.

This technique requires a lot of practice and patience but you should not worry to learn this trick. Because most of the riders stop the longboard by using this technique.

360 slides:

The 360 slides technique is also used to stop a longboard. In this technique, you will use two slides at the same time. In this method, you will use your hands to stop the longboard. Use both hands to balance yourself. Before going to apply this trick on the road, do a lot of riding practice and become a full master in it.


What are the best ways to stop a longboard?

There are different ways by which you can stop the longboard.

  • Foot braking.
  • Air braking
  • Power slides
  • Coleman slide
  • Toe side pendulum
  • 360 slides

How to stop the longboard with the foot braking technique?

The foot braking technique should be applied when you are at a low speed. And also use proper footwear when you apply the footbrake. You should not apply the foot barking technique with thin sole shoes. Footbridge means sliding the shoes on the ground. To apply the foot braking technique first adjust your sitting position and bend your front knee. And also shift your weight towards the front foot. It doesn’t matter which foot you will use to apply this technique. And also make sure that you are using a large sole.


To make your free time enjoyable and funny, buy a good brand longboard. And start practicing it. More practice makes your longboarding more enjoyable. So stopping the longboard is also a very important part of longboarding. And we have briefly explained the ways to stop the longboard. But before going to apply these methods on the road, do a lot of practice and become a full expert in longboarding.

Moreover, longboarding also requires full safety. So be careful while longboarding. And use all safety equipment like a helmet, knee pads, gloves, and much other safety gear. And all these safety things will prevent you from injuries in case of falling on a rough road or a flat surface. So safety is also first in every field of life.

All the ways that we have shared are easy to apply but don’t apply these on the road without full practice.

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