How to Duck Dive a Longboard

Duck Diving a Longboard, Surfboard or bigger boards? So you want to know how to duck dive a longboard? It’s not as difficult as you may think. In fact, once you get the hang of it, it’s actually quite easy. In this blog post, we will explore how to duck dive a longboard step by step. We will also touch on the different techniques you can use to get under those big waves. By the end of this post, you will be an expert at duck diving and ready to take on any wave that comes your way.

What is duck diving?

Duck diving is a surfing manoeuvre used to successfully paddle through oncoming waves by diving underneath them. The duck dive is performed by paddling hard to gain speed and then quickly diving under the wave while tucking your legs in close to your body and keeping your arms close to your sides. This will help you push down on the water and ride underneath the wave. Duck diving is an essential skill for surfers as it allows them to get out past the waves and into the lineup quickly and safely.

Why is it important to learn how to duck dive on a longboard?

It’s important to learn how to duck dive on a longboard because it allows you to paddle out through waves without getting knocked off your board. Duck diving is a surfing technique that involves diving under a wave as it breaks, using your body and the weight of your board to push the wave down.

 This can be tricky to do on a longboard because they are larger and heavier than shortboards, making them more difficult to maneuver underwater. But once you master the duck dive, you’ll be able to paddle out through even the biggest waves with ease.

The proper technique for duck diving on a longboard

When you are paddling out in the lineup on your longboard, and a set of waves is coming at you, sometimes the only way to get past them is to duck dive. Duck diving is when you dip the nose of your board under the oncoming wave and then push down with your arms on the deck of the board to help submerge it. As the wave passes over you, you come up out of the dive and continue paddling.

There are a few things to keep in mind when duck diving on a longboard:

1. Position yourself at the front of the board, close to the nose. This will help keep the nose from catching on the wave and flipping your board over.

2. Bend your knees and lower your center of gravity as much as possible. This will make it easier to push down on the deck of the board and submerge it under water.

3. Put your hands on the deck of the board near the rails, and push down firmly as the wave approaches. Use your arms to help guide the board under water.

4. As soon as possible after passing under the wave, begin paddling again to get back outside before another set comes in!

What Is The Best Way To Duck Dive With a Longboard?

Duck diving is a surfing move that allows a surfer to paddle deep under breaking waves in order to reach the wave’s peak. It is an essential move for longboarders, as it allows them to avoid getting pushed back by the waves and also protects their boards from getting damaged.

There are two main ways to duck dive with a longboard: the frontside duck dive and the backside duck dive. The frontside duck dive is the most common and is used when paddling into waves that are Breaking left (when you are on the right side of the wave). To do this move, place your left hand on the nose of your board and your right hand near the tail. Lean forward and push your board under the water, using your arms to propel yourself forward. Remember to keep your head down so that you don’t get hit by your board!

The backside duck dive is used when paddling into waves that are Breaking right (when you are on the left side of the wave). To do this move, place your right hand on the nose of your board and your left hand near the tail. Lean forward and push your board under the water, using your arms to propel yourself forward. Again, remember to keep your head down so that you don’t get hit by your board!

Both of these moves require practice and mastery in order to be executed properly. With some time and patience, you’ll be able to duck dive like a pro in no time!

Tips for Duck Diving on a Longboard

When you’re out surfing on your longboard, there may come a time when you need to duck dive under a wave. Duck diving is an essential surfing skill to learn, and it’s not as difficult as it may seem at first. Here are some tips to help you duck dive your longboard:

1. Start by paddling hard to build up speed and momentum. You’ll need this to help you get under the wave.

2. As you approach the wave, start to lean forward on your board and tuck your chin into your chest.

3. Put your hands on the rails of your board and push down hard as you submerge yourself underneath the wave.

4. Keep pushing down with your hands until you feel the pressure of the wave release on your body. Then, start paddling again to catch another wave!

How To Turtle Roll A Longboard?

In order to turtle roll a longboard, you will need to start off by lying on your stomach on the board with your arms at your sides. Next, you will need to paddle hard with your hands in order to get the board moving. Once the board is moving, you will need to quickly tuck your head and arms under the center of the board and hold on tight. Finally, you will need to wait for the wave to pass before coming up for air.

How To Duck Dive Funboard?

1. Paddle hard to catch a wave.

2. When you feel the wave start to pick you up, tuck your chin and paddle even harder.

3. As you start to pick up speed, quickly dig your back foot into the wave and push off the nose of your board.

4. Use your momentum to dive under the wave and come up on the other side.

How To Duck Dive Bigger Boards?

In order to duck dive a bigger board, you will need to first approach the wave at an angle. As you get closer to the wave, begin to paddle hard and dig your rail in. Once you have enough speed, tuck your head down and let the wave pass over you. Be sure to hold on tight to your board!


Whether you’re just getting started in the world of longboarding or you’ve been riding for years, duck diving is an essential skill to master. It’s not always easy, but with practice, patience and a little bit of know-how, you’ll be duck diving like a pro in no time. Thanks for reading and we hope this article has helped you learn how to duck dive a longboard. Happy shredding!

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