Thinking about building your own concrete skate bowl? In this guide, I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process to create your dream skate spot right in your backyard. From planning and preparation to pouring and shaping, I’ve got you covered with all the tips and tricks you need to know.

As a seasoned skater and DIY enthusiast, I’ve spent years perfecting the art of building concrete skate bowls. Whether you’re a beginner looking to start your first build or a seasoned pro wanting to expand your backyard setup, I’ll share my expertise to help you bring your vision to life.

Key Takeaways

  • Plan your skate bowl: Sketch out a design, check local permits, and set a budget before starting construction.
  • Gather essential materials: Have concrete mix, rebar, wood forms, trowels, safety gear, and concrete mixer ready for efficient building.
  • Prepare the site properly: Clear the area, mark the layout, excavate, compact soil, install drainage, and ensure proper slope for water runoff.
  • Pour and shape concrete carefully: Properly proportion the concrete mix, pour evenly without air pockets, shape with tools, and follow a curing process.
  • Focus on curing and maintenance: Keep concrete moist post-pouring, apply a sealer, inspect regularly, clean with mild detergent, and avoid heavy impact tricks for longevity.

Planning Your Concrete Skate Bowl

When planning your concrete skate bowl, it’s essential to consider the size and shape of the space you have available. Measure the area and take note of any obstacles or restrictions that may affect the design.

Here are some key steps to consider in planning your concrete skate bowl:

  • Design: Sketch out your ideal skate bowl design, taking into account your skill level and preferences. Consider elements like transitions, depths, and obstacles.
  • Permits: Check local regulations and obtain any necessary permits before starting the construction to avoid any legal issues down the road.
  • Budget: Determine your budget for materials, tools, and labor. Having a clear budget in mind will help you make informed decisions throughout the project.

It’s crucial to have a solid plan in place before you dive into the construction process. This will ensure a smoother build and help you achieve the skate bowl of your dreams.

Gathering Materials and Tools

When Gathering Materials and Tools for building a concrete skate bowl, I always ensure I have everything I need before starting the construction process. Here are some essential items I recommend having on hand:

  • Concrete mix: Selecting the right type and quantity of concrete mix is crucial for the durability and smoothness of the skate bowl surface.
  • Rebar and mesh: Reinforcing the concrete with rebar and mesh helps prevent cracking and ensures structural integrity.
  • Wood forms: Creating sturdy wood forms is essential for shaping the skate bowl and containing the concrete during pouring.
  • Trowels and floats: These tools are necessary for smoothing and finishing the concrete surface once it’s poured.
  • Safety gear: Prioritize safety by wearing protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and sturdy footwear during the construction process.
  • Concrete truck or mixer: Depending on the scale of the project, consider renting a concrete truck or mixer for efficient concrete mixing and pouring.

By having these materials and tools ready and organized, I can streamline the construction process and maintain a focus on quality and efficiency.

Preparing the Site

When Preparing the Site for building a concrete skate bowl, there are essential steps to ensure a solid foundation and successful construction project. Here’s how I tackle this crucial phase:

  • Clear the Area: The first step is to clear the area where the skate bowl will be constructed. Remove any debris, rocks, or vegetation to create a clean and level surface.
  • Mark the Layout: Using stakes and string, I mark the layout of the skate bowl to outline its shape and size. This step helps visualize the final result and ensures accurate construction.
  • Excavate the Area: Next, I excavate the area to the required depth, typically around 8-12 inches, depending on the design and size of the skate bowl. This step creates space for the base layers and provides stability.
  • Compact the Soil: After excavating, I compact the soil to create a firm and solid base for the concrete. This step is crucial to prevent shifting or settlement of the skate bowl over time.
  • Install Drainage: Proper drainage is essential to prevent water from pooling on the surface of the skate bowl. I ensure that adequate drainage systems, such as gravel or perforated pipes, are installed to maintain the integrity of the structure.
  • Check the Slope: I carefully check the slope of the site to ensure proper water runoff and drainage. The slope should be angled away from the center of the skate bowl to prevent water accumulation.

By meticulously preparing the site, I lay the groundwork for a successful and durable concrete skate bowl construction project.

Pouring and Shaping the Concrete

When Pouring and Shaping the Concrete for a skate bowl, precision is key. Here’s how I tackle this important phase:

  • Preparing the Concrete Mixture: Prior to pouring, I ensure the concrete mixture is properly proportioned for strength and durability.
  • Pouring Techniques: I use a concrete pump to pour the mixture evenly. It’s crucial to avoid air pockets to prevent weak spots.
  • Shaping the Bowl: With the concrete poured, I meticulously shape it using tools like trowels and edgers. Achieving the right curves and transitions is essential for a smooth ride.
  • Curing Process: Once shaped, I cover the concrete with a curing compound to prevent cracking and ensure proper strength development.

By focusing on precision and following these steps diligently, the concrete skate bowl takes shape, ready to bring endless fun and excitement to skaters.

Curing and Maintenance Tips

After the construction process, curing the concrete is essential to ensure its strength and durability. Here are some tips for effective curing and maintenance:

  • Curing: I make sure to keep the concrete slab moist for at least 7 days after pouring. This helps prevent cracks and ensures that the concrete cures properly.
  • Sealing: I recommend applying a concrete sealer to protect the surface from moisture, stains, and abrasions. This helps extend the lifespan of the skate bowl.
  • Regular Inspection: I make it a habit to inspect the skate bowl regularly for any signs of damage or wear. Early detection allows for timely repairs and maintenance.
  • Cleaning: Regular cleaning is key to maintaining the skate bowl. I use a mild detergent and water to remove dirt, debris, and graffiti from the surface.
  • Avoid Heavy Impact: I advise skaters to avoid heavy impact tricks that can cause damage to the concrete surface. This helps prevent premature wear and tear.

By following these Curing and Maintenance Tips, skaters can enjoy a well-maintained and long-lasting concrete skate bowl.


Maintaining a concrete skate bowl is crucial for its longevity and performance. By following the recommended curing and maintenance tips, skaters can ensure their skate bowl remains strong and durable. Remember to keep the concrete moist after pouring, apply a concrete sealer, inspect regularly for damage, clean with mild detergent, and avoid heavy impact tricks. These simple steps will go a long way in preserving your concrete skate bowl and providing a safe and enjoyable skating experience for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should the concrete skate bowl be kept moist after pouring?

Keep the concrete skate bowl moist for at least 7 days after pouring to ensure proper curing.

What should be applied to the concrete skate bowl for protection?

Apply a concrete sealer to protect the concrete skate bowl from damage and wear.

How often should the concrete skate bowl be inspected for damage?

Regularly inspect the concrete skate bowl for any signs of damage to address issues promptly.

How should the concrete skate bowl be cleaned?

Clean the concrete skate bowl with a mild detergent to remove dirt and grime.

What should skaters avoid to prevent premature wear and tear on the concrete skate bowl?

Skaters should avoid heavy impact tricks to prevent premature wear and tear on the concrete skate bowl.

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